The project

Gluskin Sheff recently completed an initial rebranding with Bruce Mau. Chris Noon Creative Inc. was tasked with rolling out the branding across the company and designing and building the email templates.

Design Process: In collaboration with Gluskin Sheff, we identified the different email templates required and determined the content needed for each type of email. We designed and prototyped the emails using Adobe XD to validate the design. After receiving approval, we proceeded to develop the emails in MailChimp. Once approved, we built the email templates, ensuring a clear understanding of the design and functionality requirements.

Solution: The final designs incorporated the expanded logo and a unique accent colour for each template, visually distinguishing the email types. We built templates in MailChimp that enabled users to easily create their emails with minimal effort. All templates were designed with desktop and mobile layouts to ensure a seamless experience on any device.

Results: The templates have been in use for several years, and variations have been created based on the initial templates. They have successfully served Gluskin Sheff’s email communication needs and reduced the necessity for custom coding in future email campaigns.

Conclusion: By thoroughly understanding Gluskin Sheff’s intended use of the templates, we were able to design and develop email templates that met their requirements and provided flexibility for future customization.

Our involvement

  • User experience design (UX)
  • User interface design (UI)
  • Email template development in MailChimp