The project
Peak enlisted the expertise of Chris Noon Creative Inc. due to our extensive experience in designing and building impactful presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint and the prior work we had done with them. The objective was to create a presentation that could be presented in person and serve as a “leave-behind” document.
Design process: Following an initial briefing and thorough discussions with Peak Pharma to understand the requirements of the presentation, a comprehensive plan was developed. Key slides were designed to establish the tone and direction of the presentation. After receiving approval, the entire presentation was designed for review. A template was created for the slide deck, and the presentation was built using the approved design.
Solution: The final presentation exhibits a clear structure with distinct sections. Each slide is carefully crafted with a logical layout, incorporating relevant supporting imagery and compelling infographics. The Pitch Deck incorporates the strong photography and iconography established while designing the website/
Results: The Pitch Deck has been consistently utilized for pitches and repurposed for other similar presentations. Every element within the presentation is fully editable in PowerPoint, allowing for infinite customization in the future. Furthermore, the template used for the presentation can be reused for subsequent presentations.
Conclusion: By prioritizing the overall structure of the presentation, Chris Noon Creative Inc. successfully designed a visually cohesive and branded presentation that flows seamlessly. The inclusion of appropriate visuals effectively supports the overall narrative of the presentation. The result is a powerful and customizable tool for Peak Pharma to deliver impactful presentations and convey their message effectively.
Our involvement
- Graphic design
- Microsoft Office Build