The project

Three Point Turn enlisted our services to design the user experience and user interface for the Save My Chair proof of concept prototype. Save My Chair is a service that allows members to reserve poolside chairs at resorts worldwide.

Design process: During the discovery phase, we engaged in extensive conversations with Three Point Turn and researched similar applications. This allowed us to adopt a user-centered design approach, creating wireframes and prototypes to validate design decisions.

Solution: The application introduced a unique ” pick-your-chair ” feature that enabled users to select their desired poolside location for a specific time. An innovative shadow caster was implemented to show users whether their chosen chair would be in or out of shade during the selected time slot, facilitating informed decision-making. We also ensured that features such as re-booking chairs, cancelling reservations, and changing reservations were addressed to provide a seamless user experience—every design decision aimed to provide users with relevant information and streamline the purchasing process.

Results: The project concluded with an impressive prototype that could be used to demonstrate the system on a device and effectively showcase the final product to potential investors and clients.

Conclusion: We successfully designed a proof of concept prototype for the Save My Chair service by adopting a user-centred design approach and incorporating innovative features. The prototype demonstrates the functionality and benefits of the system, positioning it as an attractive solution for potential investors and clients.

Our involvement

  • User experience design (UX)
  • User interface design (UI)

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